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Lamb, Australian, imported, fresh, separable fat, raw

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Nutrition information for Lamb, Australian, imported, fresh, separable fat, raw

The nutrition information on this tab is specific to a portion size. This tab shows nutrition for 1 oz (28.35g).

The Nutrition Facts box is a quick and familiar way to get information for common nutrition values. Below is a chart with a more complete listing of nutrients and the daily value percentage for each. Complete nutrition information is listed at the bottom of the page. All information is sourced from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 oz (28.35g)

Amount Per Serving


Calories  184

Calories from Fat  176
% Daily Value*

Total Fat  19.52 g

Saturated Fat  10.023 g
Trans Fat

Cholesterol   22 mg


Sodium   9 mg


Potassium   32 mg


Total Carbohydrate   0.00 g

Dietary Fiber

Protein   1.78 g


Vitamin A

Vitamin C

Calcium   5 mg


Iron   0.18 mg

* Based on a 2000 calorie diet
% Daily Value for Lamb, Australian, imported, fresh, separable fat, raw 1 oz (28.35g)

Complete Nutrition for 1 oz (28.35g)

Alanine 0.107 gArginine 0.105 gAsh 0.10 gAspartic acid 0.156 gCalcium, Ca 5 mgCarbohydrate, by difference 0.00 gCholesterol 22 mgCopper, Cu 0.013 mgCystine 0.021 gEnergy 184 kcalEnergy 769 kjFatty acids, total monounsaturated 7.931 gFatty acids, total polyunsaturated 0.806 gFatty acids, total saturated 10.023 gGlutamic acid 0.258 gGlycine 0.087 gHistidine 0.056 gIron, Fe 0.18 mgIsoleucine 0.086 gLeucine 0.138 gLysine 0.157 gMagnesium, Mg 2 mgMethionine 0.045 gNiacin 0.497 mgPantothenic acid 0.075 mgPhenylalanine 0.072 gPhosphorus, P 20 mgPotassium, K 32 mgProline 0.075 gProtein 1.78 gRiboflavin 0.030 mgSelenium, Se 1.1 mcgSerine 0.066 gSodium, Na 9 mgThiamin 0.016 mgThreonine 0.076 gTotal lipid (fat) 19.52 gTryptophan 0.021 gTyrosine 0.060 gValine 0.096 gVitamin B-12 0.30 mcgVitamin B-6 0.031 mgWater 7.11 gZinc, Zn 0.30 mg10:0 0.040 g12:0 0.068 g14:0 0.834 g14:1 0.034 g15:0 0.133 g16:0 4.593 g16:1 undifferentiated 0.378 g17:0 0.323 g18:0 3.994 g18:1 undifferentiated 7.306 g18:2 undifferentiated 0.468 g18:3 undifferentiated 0.226 g20:0 0.037 g20:1 0.070 g20:4 undifferentiated 0.075 g

Nutrition information for Lamb, Australian, imported, fresh, separable fat, raw

The nutrition information on this tab is specific to a portion size. This tab shows nutrition for 1 lb (453.6g).

The Nutrition Facts box is a quick and familiar way to get information for common nutrition values. Below is a chart with a more complete listing of nutrients and the daily value percentage for each. Complete nutrition information is listed at the bottom of the page. All information is sourced from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 lb (453.6g)

Amount Per Serving


Calories  2939

Calories from Fat  2812
% Daily Value*

Total Fat  312.39 g

Saturated Fat  160.361 g
Trans Fat

Cholesterol   349 mg


Sodium   150 mg


Potassium   508 mg


Total Carbohydrate   0.00 g

Dietary Fiber

Protein   28.44 g


Vitamin A

Vitamin C

Calcium   86 mg


Iron   2.86 mg

* Based on a 2000 calorie diet
% Daily Value for Lamb, Australian, imported, fresh, separable fat, raw 1 lb (453.6g)

Complete Nutrition for 1 lb (453.6g)

Alanine 1.710 gArginine 1.687 gAsh 1.59 gAspartic acid 2.499 gCalcium, Ca 86 mgCarbohydrate, by difference 0.00 gCholesterol 349 mgCopper, Cu 0.209 mgCystine 0.340 gEnergy 2939 kcalEnergy 12297 kjFatty acids, total monounsaturated 126.895 gFatty acids, total polyunsaturated 12.900 gFatty acids, total saturated 160.361 gGlutamic acid 4.123 gGlycine 1.388 gHistidine 0.903 gIron, Fe 2.86 mgIsoleucine 1.374 gLeucine 2.209 gLysine 2.508 gMagnesium, Mg 32 mgMethionine 0.726 gNiacin 7.952 mgPantothenic acid 1.193 mgPhenylalanine 1.157 gPhosphorus, P 322 mgPotassium, K 508 mgProline 1.193 gProtein 28.44 gRiboflavin 0.485 mgSelenium, Se 18.1 mcgSerine 1.057 gSodium, Na 150 mgThiamin 0.259 mgThreonine 1.216 gTotal lipid (fat) 312.39 gTryptophan 0.331 gTyrosine 0.957 gValine 1.533 gVitamin B-12 4.81 mcgVitamin B-6 0.503 mgWater 113.76 gZinc, Zn 4.81 mg10:0 0.644 g12:0 1.093 g14:0 13.345 g14:1 0.544 g15:0 2.132 g16:0 73.483 g16:1 undifferentiated 6.051 g17:0 5.162 g18:0 63.908 g18:1 undifferentiated 116.897 g18:2 undifferentiated 7.493 g18:3 undifferentiated 3.620 g20:0 0.594 g20:1 1.116 g20:4 undifferentiated 1.193 g

Nutrition information for Lamb, Australian, imported, fresh, separable fat, raw

The nutrition information on this tab is specific to a portion size. This tab shows nutrition for 3 oz (85g).

The Nutrition Facts box is a quick and familiar way to get information for common nutrition values. Below is a chart with a more complete listing of nutrients and the daily value percentage for each. Complete nutrition information is listed at the bottom of the page. All information is sourced from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 3 oz (85g)

Amount Per Serving


Calories  551

Calories from Fat  527
% Daily Value*

Total Fat  58.54 g

Saturated Fat  30.050 g
Trans Fat

Cholesterol   65 mg


Sodium   28 mg


Potassium   95 mg


Total Carbohydrate   0.00 g

Dietary Fiber

Protein   5.33 g


Vitamin A

Vitamin C

Calcium   16 mg


Iron   0.54 mg

* Based on a 2000 calorie diet
% Daily Value for Lamb, Australian, imported, fresh, separable fat, raw 3 oz (85g)

Complete Nutrition for 3 oz (85g)

Alanine 0.320 gArginine 0.316 gAsh 0.30 gAspartic acid 0.468 gCalcium, Ca 16 mgCarbohydrate, by difference 0.00 gCholesterol 65 mgCopper, Cu 0.039 mgCystine 0.064 gEnergy 551 kcalEnergy 2304 kjFatty acids, total monounsaturated 23.779 gFatty acids, total polyunsaturated 2.417 gFatty acids, total saturated 30.050 gGlutamic acid 0.773 gGlycine 0.260 gHistidine 0.169 gIron, Fe 0.54 mgIsoleucine 0.258 gLeucine 0.414 gLysine 0.470 gMagnesium, Mg 6 mgMethionine 0.136 gNiacin 1.490 mgPantothenic acid 0.224 mgPhenylalanine 0.217 gPhosphorus, P 60 mgPotassium, K 95 mgProline 0.224 gProtein 5.33 gRiboflavin 0.091 mgSelenium, Se 3.4 mcgSerine 0.198 gSodium, Na 28 mgThiamin 0.048 mgThreonine 0.228 gTotal lipid (fat) 58.54 gTryptophan 0.062 gTyrosine 0.179 gValine 0.287 gVitamin B-12 0.90 mcgVitamin B-6 0.094 mgWater 21.32 gZinc, Zn 0.90 mg10:0 0.121 g12:0 0.205 g14:0 2.501 g14:1 0.102 g15:0 0.400 g16:0 13.770 g16:1 undifferentiated 1.134 g17:0 0.967 g18:0 11.976 g18:1 undifferentiated 21.905 g18:2 undifferentiated 1.404 g18:3 undifferentiated 0.678 g20:0 0.111 g20:1 0.209 g20:4 undifferentiated 0.224 g

Nutrition information for Lamb, Australian, imported, fresh, separable fat, raw

The nutrition information on this tab is specific to a portion size. This tab shows nutrition for 100 grams .

The Nutrition Facts box is a quick and familiar way to get information for common nutrition values. Below is a chart with a more complete listing of nutrients and the daily value percentage for each. Complete nutrition information is listed at the bottom of the page. All information is sourced from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 100 grams

Amount Per Serving


Calories  648

Calories from Fat  620
% Daily Value*

Total Fat  68.87 g

Saturated Fat  35.353 g
Trans Fat

Cholesterol   77 mg


Sodium   33 mg


Potassium   112 mg


Total Carbohydrate   0.00 g

Dietary Fiber

Protein   6.27 g


Vitamin A

Vitamin C

Calcium   19 mg


Iron   0.63 mg

* Based on a 2000 calorie diet
% Daily Value for Lamb, Australian, imported, fresh, separable fat, raw 100 grams

Complete Nutrition for 100 grams

Alanine 0.377 gArginine 0.372 gAsh 0.35 gAspartic acid 0.551 gCalcium, Ca 19 mgCarbohydrate, by difference 0.00 gCholesterol 77 mgCopper, Cu 0.046 mgCystine 0.075 gEnergy 648 kcalEnergy 2711 kjFatty acids, total monounsaturated 27.975 gFatty acids, total polyunsaturated 2.844 gFatty acids, total saturated 35.353 gGlutamic acid 0.909 gGlycine 0.306 gHistidine 0.199 gIron, Fe 0.63 mgIsoleucine 0.303 gLeucine 0.487 gLysine 0.553 gMagnesium, Mg 7 mgMethionine 0.160 gNiacin 1.753 mgPantothenic acid 0.263 mgPhenylalanine 0.255 gPhosphorus, P 71 mgPotassium, K 112 mgProline 0.263 gProtein 6.27 gRiboflavin 0.107 mgSelenium, Se 4.0 mcgSerine 0.233 gSodium, Na 33 mgThiamin 0.057 mgThreonine 0.268 gTotal lipid (fat) 68.87 gTryptophan 0.073 gTyrosine 0.211 gValine 0.338 gVitamin B-12 1.06 mcgVitamin B-6 0.111 mgWater 25.08 gZinc, Zn 1.06 mg10:0 0.142 g12:0 0.241 g14:0 2.942 g14:1 0.120 g15:0 0.470 g16:0 16.200 g16:1 undifferentiated 1.334 g17:0 1.138 g18:0 14.089 g18:1 undifferentiated 25.771 g18:2 undifferentiated 1.652 g18:3 undifferentiated 0.798 g20:0 0.131 g20:1 0.246 g20:4 undifferentiated 0.263 g
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