Weight chart for girls 8 months of age

97th percentile10.22-over 10.22kgs
95th percentile9.96-10.22kgs
90th percentile9.57-9.96kgs
75th percentile8.96-9.57kgs
50th percentile8.31-8.96kgs
25th percentile7.71-8.31kgs
10th percentile7.2-7.71kgs
5th percentile6.9-7.2kgs
3rd percentile0-6.9kgs

How to read this weight chart for girls:

This chart shows weight percentiles, according to the CDC, for girls 8 months of age. To determine an individual's percentile, find the range that includes their weight. This percentile is not a reflection of optimal weight for an individual, it is only for comparing against a population sample. Use the navigation links above the summary chart to view the weight chart for a different age, or to switch between boys and girls or pounds and kilograms.

Learn about tracking your child's growth for free!

For people over the age of 20, please refer to our adult height-weight charts. Your body mass index (BMI) is a good indicator of a healthy weight, to find out what your BMI is, and what it means try our calculators page.

Age-Weight data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.

Weight chart for girls  8 months of age
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