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Bison, top sirloin, separable lean only, 1" steak, cooked, broiled


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Nutrition information for Bison, top sirloin, separable lean only, 1" steak, cooked, broiled also known as buffalo

The nutrition information on this tab is specific to a portion size. This tab shows nutrition for 1 steak ( yield from 309.7 g raw meat ) (194g).

The Nutrition Facts box is a quick and familiar way to get information for common nutrition values. Below is a chart with a more complete listing of nutrients and the daily value percentage for each. Complete nutrition information is listed at the bottom of the page. All information is sourced from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 steak ( yield from 309.7 g raw meat ) (194g)

Amount Per Serving


Calories  332

Calories from Fat  99
% Daily Value*

Total Fat  10.96 g

Saturated Fat  4.679 g
Trans Fat

Cholesterol   167 mg


Sodium   103 mg


Potassium   751 mg


Total Carbohydrate   0.00 g

Dietary Fiber   0.0 g
Sugars   0.00 g

Protein   54.42 g


Vitamin A   0 IU


Vitamin C   0.0 mg


Calcium   10 mg


Iron   6.73 mg

* Based on a 2000 calorie diet
% Daily Value for Bison, top sirloin, separable lean only, 1" steak, cooked, broiled 1 steak ( yield from 309.7 g raw meat ) (194g)

Complete Nutrition for 1 steak ( yield from 309.7 g raw meat ) (194g)

Alanine 3.624 gAlcohol, ethyl 0.0 gArginine 3.703 gAsh 2.27 gAspartic acid 5.318 gCaffeine 0 mgCalcium, Ca 10 mgCarbohydrate, by difference 0.00 gCarotene, alpha 0 mcgCarotene, beta 0 mcgCholesterol 167 mgCopper, Cu 0.409 mgCryptoxanthin, beta 0 mcgCystine 0.648 gEnergy 1385 kjEnergy 332 kcalFatty acids, total monounsaturated 4.280 gFatty acids, total polyunsaturated 0.516 gFatty acids, total saturated 4.679 gFiber, total dietary 0.0 gFolate, DFE 35 mcg_DFEFolate, food 35 mcgFolate, total 35 mcgFolic acid 0 mcgGlutamic acid 8.864 gGlycine 3.531 gHistidine 1.994 gHydroxyproline 0.681 gIron, Fe 6.73 mgIsoleucine 2.627 gLeucine 4.668 gLutein + zeaxanthin 0 mcgLycopene 0 mcgLysine 5.050 gMagnesium, Mg 52 mgManganese, Mn 0.025 mgMethionine 1.472 gNiacin 10.806 mgPantothenic acid 2.609 mgPhenylalanine 2.311 gPhosphorus, P 491 mgPotassium, K 751 mgProline 2.786 gProtein 54.42 gRetinol 0 mcgRiboflavin 0.867 mgSelenium, Se 79.9 mcgSerine 2.264 gSodium, Na 103 mgSugars, total 0.00 gTheobromine 0 mgThiamin 0.440 mgThreonine 2.470 gTotal lipid (fat) 10.96 gTryptophan 0.411 gTyrosine 1.851 gValine 2.927 gVitamin A, IU 0 IUVitamin A, RAE 0 mcg_RAEVitamin B-12 5.49 mcgVitamin B-6 1.081 mgVitamin C, total ascorbic acid 0.0 mgVitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) 0.39 mgWater 126.29 gZinc, Zn 9.91 mg10:0 0.004 g12:0 0.004 g14:0 0.196 g14:1 0.016 g15:0 0.058 g15:1 0.000 g16:0 1.973 g16:1 undifferentiated 0.219 g17:0 0.167 g17:1 0.078 g18:0 2.250 g18:1 undifferentiated 3.932 g18:2 undifferentiated 0.398 g18:3 n-6 c,c,c 0.000 g18:3 undifferentiated 0.058 g20:0 0.021 g20:1 0.035 g20:3 undifferentiated 0.004 g20:4 undifferentiated 0.056 g22:0 0.000 g8:0 0.004 g

Nutrition information for Bison, top sirloin, separable lean only, 1" steak, cooked, broiled also known as buffalo

The nutrition information on this tab is specific to a portion size. This tab shows nutrition for 1 serving ( 3 oz ) (85g).

The Nutrition Facts box is a quick and familiar way to get information for common nutrition values. Below is a chart with a more complete listing of nutrients and the daily value percentage for each. Complete nutrition information is listed at the bottom of the page. All information is sourced from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 serving ( 3 oz ) (85g)

Amount Per Serving


Calories  145

Calories from Fat  43
% Daily Value*

Total Fat  4.80 g

Saturated Fat  2.050 g
Trans Fat

Cholesterol   73 mg


Sodium   45 mg


Potassium   329 mg


Total Carbohydrate   0.00 g

Dietary Fiber   0.0 g
Sugars   0.00 g

Protein   23.84 g


Vitamin A   0 IU


Vitamin C   0.0 mg


Calcium   4 mg


Iron   2.95 mg

* Based on a 2000 calorie diet
% Daily Value for Bison, top sirloin, separable lean only, 1" steak, cooked, broiled 1 serving ( 3 oz ) (85g)

Complete Nutrition for 1 serving ( 3 oz ) (85g)

Alanine 1.588 gAlcohol, ethyl 0.0 gArginine 1.623 gAsh 0.99 gAspartic acid 2.330 gCaffeine 0 mgCalcium, Ca 4 mgCarbohydrate, by difference 0.00 gCarotene, alpha 0 mcgCarotene, beta 0 mcgCholesterol 73 mgCopper, Cu 0.179 mgCryptoxanthin, beta 0 mcgCystine 0.284 gEnergy 607 kjEnergy 145 kcalFatty acids, total monounsaturated 1.875 gFatty acids, total polyunsaturated 0.226 gFatty acids, total saturated 2.050 gFiber, total dietary 0.0 gFolate, DFE 15 mcg_DFEFolate, food 15 mcgFolate, total 15 mcgFolic acid 0 mcgGlutamic acid 3.884 gGlycine 1.547 gHistidine 0.874 gHydroxyproline 0.298 gIron, Fe 2.95 mgIsoleucine 1.151 gLeucine 2.045 gLutein + zeaxanthin 0 mcgLycopene 0 mcgLysine 2.213 gMagnesium, Mg 23 mgManganese, Mn 0.011 mgMethionine 0.645 gNiacin 4.734 mgPantothenic acid 1.143 mgPhenylalanine 1.012 gPhosphorus, P 215 mgPotassium, K 329 mgProline 1.221 gProtein 23.84 gRetinol 0 mcgRiboflavin 0.380 mgSelenium, Se 35.0 mcgSerine 0.992 gSodium, Na 45 mgSugars, total 0.00 gTheobromine 0 mgThiamin 0.193 mgThreonine 1.082 gTotal lipid (fat) 4.80 gTryptophan 0.180 gTyrosine 0.811 gValine 1.283 gVitamin A, IU 0 IUVitamin A, RAE 0 mcg_RAEVitamin B-12 2.41 mcgVitamin B-6 0.473 mgVitamin C, total ascorbic acid 0.0 mgVitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) 0.17 mgWater 55.34 gZinc, Zn 4.34 mg10:0 0.002 g12:0 0.002 g14:0 0.086 g14:1 0.007 g15:0 0.026 g15:1 0.000 g16:0 0.864 g16:1 undifferentiated 0.096 g17:0 0.073 g17:1 0.034 g18:0 0.986 g18:1 undifferentiated 1.723 g18:2 undifferentiated 0.174 g18:3 n-6 c,c,c 0.000 g18:3 undifferentiated 0.026 g20:0 0.009 g20:1 0.015 g20:3 undifferentiated 0.002 g20:4 undifferentiated 0.025 g22:0 0.000 g8:0 0.002 g

Nutrition information for Bison, top sirloin, separable lean only, 1" steak, cooked, broiled also known as buffalo

The nutrition information on this tab is specific to a portion size. This tab shows nutrition for 100 grams .

The Nutrition Facts box is a quick and familiar way to get information for common nutrition values. Below is a chart with a more complete listing of nutrients and the daily value percentage for each. Complete nutrition information is listed at the bottom of the page. All information is sourced from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 100 grams

Amount Per Serving


Calories  171

Calories from Fat  51
% Daily Value*

Total Fat  5.65 g

Saturated Fat  2.412 g
Trans Fat

Cholesterol   86 mg


Sodium   53 mg


Potassium   387 mg


Total Carbohydrate   0.00 g

Dietary Fiber   0.0 g
Sugars   0.00 g

Protein   28.05 g


Vitamin A   0 IU


Vitamin C   0.0 mg


Calcium   5 mg


Iron   3.47 mg

* Based on a 2000 calorie diet
% Daily Value for Bison, top sirloin, separable lean only, 1" steak, cooked, broiled 100 grams

Complete Nutrition for 100 grams

Alanine 1.868 gAlcohol, ethyl 0.0 gArginine 1.909 gAsh 1.17 gAspartic acid 2.741 gCaffeine 0 mgCalcium, Ca 5 mgCarbohydrate, by difference 0.00 gCarotene, alpha 0 mcgCarotene, beta 0 mcgCholesterol 86 mgCopper, Cu 0.211 mgCryptoxanthin, beta 0 mcgCystine 0.334 gEnergy 714 kjEnergy 171 kcalFatty acids, total monounsaturated 2.206 gFatty acids, total polyunsaturated 0.266 gFatty acids, total saturated 2.412 gFiber, total dietary 0.0 gFolate, DFE 18 mcg_DFEFolate, food 18 mcgFolate, total 18 mcgFolic acid 0 mcgGlutamic acid 4.569 gGlycine 1.820 gHistidine 1.028 gHydroxyproline 0.351 gIron, Fe 3.47 mgIsoleucine 1.354 gLeucine 2.406 gLutein + zeaxanthin 0 mcgLycopene 0 mcgLysine 2.603 gMagnesium, Mg 27 mgManganese, Mn 0.013 mgMethionine 0.759 gNiacin 5.570 mgPantothenic acid 1.345 mgPhenylalanine 1.191 gPhosphorus, P 253 mgPotassium, K 387 mgProline 1.436 gProtein 28.05 gRetinol 0 mcgRiboflavin 0.447 mgSelenium, Se 41.2 mcgSerine 1.167 gSodium, Na 53 mgSugars, total 0.00 gTheobromine 0 mgThiamin 0.227 mgThreonine 1.273 gTotal lipid (fat) 5.65 gTryptophan 0.212 gTyrosine 0.954 gValine 1.509 gVitamin A, IU 0 IUVitamin A, RAE 0 mcg_RAEVitamin B-12 2.83 mcgVitamin B-6 0.557 mgVitamin C, total ascorbic acid 0.0 mgVitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) 0.20 mgWater 65.10 gZinc, Zn 5.11 mg10:0 0.002 g12:0 0.002 g14:0 0.101 g14:1 0.008 g15:0 0.030 g15:1 0.000 g16:0 1.017 g16:1 undifferentiated 0.113 g17:0 0.086 g17:1 0.040 g18:0 1.160 g18:1 undifferentiated 2.027 g18:2 undifferentiated 0.205 g18:3 n-6 c,c,c 0.000 g18:3 undifferentiated 0.030 g20:0 0.011 g20:1 0.018 g20:3 undifferentiated 0.002 g20:4 undifferentiated 0.029 g22:0 0.000 g8:0 0.002 g
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