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Edam Cheese

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Nutrition information for Edam Cheese

The nutrition information on this tab is specific to a portion size. This tab shows nutrition for 1 oz (28.35g).

The Nutrition Facts box is a quick and familiar way to get information for common nutrition values. Below is a chart with a more complete listing of nutrients and the daily value percentage for each. Complete nutrition information is listed at the bottom of the page. All information is sourced from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 oz (28.35g)

Amount Per Serving


Calories  101

Calories from Fat  71
% Daily Value*

Total Fat  7.88 g

Saturated Fat  4.982 g
Trans Fat

Cholesterol   25 mg


Sodium   274 mg


Potassium   53 mg


Total Carbohydrate   0.41 g

Dietary Fiber   0.0 g
Sugars   0.41 g

Protein   7.08 g


Vitamin A   234 IU


Vitamin C   0.0 mg


Calcium   207 mg


Iron   0.12 mg

* Based on a 2000 calorie diet
% Daily Value for Edam Cheese 1 oz (28.35g)

Complete Nutrition for 1 oz (28.35g)

Alanine 0.217 gAlcohol, ethyl 0.0 gArginine 0.273 gAsh 1.20 gAspartic acid 0.495 gCaffeine 0 mgCalcium, Ca 207 mgCarbohydrate, by difference 0.41 gCarotene, alpha 0 mcgCarotene, beta 3 mcgCholesterol 25 mgCholine, total 4.4 mgCopper, Cu 0.010 mgCryptoxanthin, beta 0 mcgCystine 0.072 gEnergy 101 kcalEnergy 423 kjFatty acids, total monounsaturated 2.303 gFatty acids, total polyunsaturated 0.189 gFatty acids, total saturated 4.982 gFiber, total dietary 0.0 gFolate, DFE 5 mcg_DFEFolate, food 5 mcgFolate, total 5 mcgFolic acid 0 mcgGlutamic acid 1.744 gGlycine 0.138 gHistidine 0.293 gIron, Fe 0.12 mgIsoleucine 0.371 gLeucine 0.729 gLutein + zeaxanthin 0 mcgLycopene 0 mcgLysine 0.754 gMagnesium, Mg 9 mgManganese, Mn 0.003 mgMethionine 0.204 gNiacin 0.023 mgPantothenic acid 0.080 mgPhenylalanine 0.407 gPhosphorus, P 152 mgPotassium, K 53 mgProline 0.922 gProtein 7.08 gRetinol 69 mcgRiboflavin 0.110 mgSelenium, Se 4.1 mcgSerine 0.439 gSodium, Na 274 mgSugars, total 0.41 gTheobromine 0 mgThiamin 0.010 mgThreonine 0.264 gTotal lipid (fat) 7.88 gTryptophan 0.100 gTyrosine 0.413 gValine 0.513 gVitamin A, IU 234 IUVitamin A, RAE 69 mcg_RAEVitamin B-12 0.44 mcgVitamin B-12, added 0.00 mcgVitamin B-6 0.022 mgVitamin C, total ascorbic acid 0.0 mgVitamin D 10 IUVitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) 0.07 mgVitamin E, added 0.00 mgVitamin K (phylloquinone) 0.7 mcgWater 11.78 gZinc, Zn 1.06 mg10:0 0.167 g12:0 0.141 g14:0 0.834 g16:0 2.287 g16:1 undifferentiated 0.230 g18:0 0.846 g18:1 undifferentiated 1.959 g18:2 undifferentiated 0.119 g18:3 undifferentiated 0.070 g18:4 0.000 g20:1 0.000 g20:4 undifferentiated 0.000 g20:5 n-3 0.000 g22:1 undifferentiated 0.000 g22:5 n-3 0.000 g22:6 n-3 0.000 g4:0 0.284 g6:0 0.131 g8:0 0.085 g

Nutrition information for Edam Cheese

The nutrition information on this tab is specific to a portion size. This tab shows nutrition for 1 package (7 oz) (198g).

The Nutrition Facts box is a quick and familiar way to get information for common nutrition values. Below is a chart with a more complete listing of nutrients and the daily value percentage for each. Complete nutrition information is listed at the bottom of the page. All information is sourced from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 package (7 oz) (198g)

Amount Per Serving


Calories  707

Calories from Fat  495
% Daily Value*

Total Fat  55.04 g

Saturated Fat  34.793 g
Trans Fat

Cholesterol   176 mg


Sodium   1911 mg


Potassium   372 mg


Total Carbohydrate   2.83 g

Dietary Fiber   0.0 g
Sugars   2.83 g

Protein   49.48 g


Vitamin A   1634 IU


Vitamin C   0.0 mg


Calcium   1447 mg


Iron   0.87 mg

* Based on a 2000 calorie diet
% Daily Value for Edam Cheese 1 package (7 oz) (198g)

Complete Nutrition for 1 package (7 oz) (198g)

Alanine 1.513 gAlcohol, ethyl 0.0 gArginine 1.909 gAsh 8.36 gAspartic acid 3.459 gCaffeine 0 mgCalcium, Ca 1447 mgCarbohydrate, by difference 2.83 gCarotene, alpha 0 mcgCarotene, beta 22 mcgCholesterol 176 mgCholine, total 30.5 mgCopper, Cu 0.071 mgCryptoxanthin, beta 0 mcgCystine 0.505 gEnergy 707 kcalEnergy 2954 kjFatty acids, total monounsaturated 16.088 gFatty acids, total polyunsaturated 1.317 gFatty acids, total saturated 34.793 gFiber, total dietary 0.0 gFolate, DFE 32 mcg_DFEFolate, food 32 mcgFolate, total 32 mcgFolic acid 0 mcgGlutamic acid 12.177 gGlycine 0.962 gHistidine 2.047 gIron, Fe 0.87 mgIsoleucine 2.590 gLeucine 5.089 gLutein + zeaxanthin 0 mcgLycopene 0 mcgLysine 5.267 gMagnesium, Mg 59 mgManganese, Mn 0.022 mgMethionine 1.428 gNiacin 0.162 mgPantothenic acid 0.556 mgPhenylalanine 2.839 gPhosphorus, P 1061 mgPotassium, K 372 mgProline 6.437 gProtein 49.48 gRetinol 479 mcgRiboflavin 0.770 mgSelenium, Se 28.7 mcgSerine 3.063 gSodium, Na 1911 mgSugars, total 2.83 gTheobromine 0 mgThiamin 0.073 mgThreonine 1.845 gTotal lipid (fat) 55.04 gTryptophan 0.697 gTyrosine 2.885 gValine 3.584 gVitamin A, IU 1634 IUVitamin A, RAE 481 mcg_RAEVitamin B-12 3.05 mcgVitamin B-12, added 0.00 mcgVitamin B-6 0.150 mgVitamin C, total ascorbic acid 0.0 mgVitamin D 71 IUVitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) 0.48 mgVitamin E, added 0.00 mgVitamin K (phylloquinone) 4.6 mcgWater 82.29 gZinc, Zn 7.42 mg10:0 1.166 g12:0 0.982 g14:0 5.827 g16:0 15.973 g16:1 undifferentiated 1.610 g18:0 5.906 g18:1 undifferentiated 13.684 g18:2 undifferentiated 0.828 g18:3 undifferentiated 0.489 g18:4 0.000 g20:1 0.000 g20:4 undifferentiated 0.000 g20:5 n-3 0.000 g22:1 undifferentiated 0.000 g22:5 n-3 0.000 g22:6 n-3 0.000 g4:0 1.980 g6:0 0.913 g8:0 0.594 g

Nutrition information for Edam Cheese

The nutrition information on this tab is specific to a portion size. This tab shows nutrition for 100 grams .

The Nutrition Facts box is a quick and familiar way to get information for common nutrition values. Below is a chart with a more complete listing of nutrients and the daily value percentage for each. Complete nutrition information is listed at the bottom of the page. All information is sourced from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 100 grams

Amount Per Serving


Calories  357

Calories from Fat  250
% Daily Value*

Total Fat  27.80 g

Saturated Fat  17.572 g
Trans Fat

Cholesterol   89 mg


Sodium   965 mg


Potassium   188 mg


Total Carbohydrate   1.43 g

Dietary Fiber   0.0 g
Sugars   1.43 g

Protein   24.99 g


Vitamin A   825 IU


Vitamin C   0.0 mg


Calcium   731 mg


Iron   0.44 mg

* Based on a 2000 calorie diet
% Daily Value for Edam Cheese 100 grams

Complete Nutrition for 100 grams

Alanine 0.764 gAlcohol, ethyl 0.0 gArginine 0.964 gAsh 4.22 gAspartic acid 1.747 gCaffeine 0 mgCalcium, Ca 731 mgCarbohydrate, by difference 1.43 gCarotene, alpha 0 mcgCarotene, beta 11 mcgCholesterol 89 mgCholine, total 15.4 mgCopper, Cu 0.036 mgCryptoxanthin, beta 0 mcgCystine 0.255 gEnergy 357 kcalEnergy 1492 kjFatty acids, total monounsaturated 8.125 gFatty acids, total polyunsaturated 0.665 gFatty acids, total saturated 17.572 gFiber, total dietary 0.0 gFolate, DFE 16 mcg_DFEFolate, food 16 mcgFolate, total 16 mcgFolic acid 0 mcgGlutamic acid 6.150 gGlycine 0.486 gHistidine 1.034 gIron, Fe 0.44 mgIsoleucine 1.308 gLeucine 2.570 gLutein + zeaxanthin 0 mcgLycopene 0 mcgLysine 2.660 gMagnesium, Mg 30 mgManganese, Mn 0.011 mgMethionine 0.721 gNiacin 0.082 mgPantothenic acid 0.281 mgPhenylalanine 1.434 gPhosphorus, P 536 mgPotassium, K 188 mgProline 3.251 gProtein 24.99 gRetinol 242 mcgRiboflavin 0.389 mgSelenium, Se 14.5 mcgSerine 1.547 gSodium, Na 965 mgSugars, total 1.43 gTheobromine 0 mgThiamin 0.037 mgThreonine 0.932 gTotal lipid (fat) 27.80 gTryptophan 0.352 gTyrosine 1.457 gValine 1.810 gVitamin A, IU 825 IUVitamin A, RAE 243 mcg_RAEVitamin B-12 1.54 mcgVitamin B-12, added 0.00 mcgVitamin B-6 0.076 mgVitamin C, total ascorbic acid 0.0 mgVitamin D 36 IUVitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) 0.24 mgVitamin E, added 0.00 mgVitamin K (phylloquinone) 2.3 mcgWater 41.56 gZinc, Zn 3.75 mg10:0 0.589 g12:0 0.496 g14:0 2.943 g16:0 8.067 g16:1 undifferentiated 0.813 g18:0 2.983 g18:1 undifferentiated 6.911 g18:2 undifferentiated 0.418 g18:3 undifferentiated 0.247 g18:4 0.000 g20:1 0.000 g20:4 undifferentiated 0.000 g20:5 n-3 0.000 g22:1 undifferentiated 0.000 g22:5 n-3 0.000 g22:6 n-3 0.000 g4:0 1.000 g6:0 0.461 g8:0 0.300 g
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