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Emu, fan fillet, cooked, broiled

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Nutrition information for Emu, fan fillet, cooked, broiled

The nutrition information on this tab is specific to a portion size. This tab shows nutrition for 1 steak (394g).

The Nutrition Facts box is a quick and familiar way to get information for common nutrition values. Below is a chart with a more complete listing of nutrients and the daily value percentage for each. Complete nutrition information is listed at the bottom of the page. All information is sourced from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 steak (394g)

Amount Per Serving


Calories  607

Calories from Fat  82
% Daily Value*

Total Fat  9.06 g

Saturated Fat  2.297 g
Trans Fat

Cholesterol   323 mg


Sodium   209 mg


Potassium   1564 mg


Total Carbohydrate   0.00 g

Dietary Fiber   0.0 g
Sugars   0.00 g

Protein   123.20 g


Vitamin A   0 IU


Vitamin C   0.0 mg


Calcium   24 mg


Iron   17.97 mg

* Based on a 2000 calorie diet
% Daily Value for Emu, fan fillet, cooked, broiled 1 steak (394g)

Complete Nutrition for 1 steak (394g)

Alanine 4.791 gAlcohol, ethyl 0.0 gArginine 5.544 gAsh 5.12 gAspartic acid 10.717 gCaffeine 0 mgCalcium, Ca 24 mgCarbohydrate, by difference 0.00 gCarotene, alpha 0 mcgCarotene, beta 0 mcgCholesterol 323 mgCopper, Cu 0.914 mgCryptoxanthin, beta 0 mcgCystine 0.890 gEnergy 2541 kjEnergy 607 kcalFatty acids, total monounsaturated 3.613 gFatty acids, total polyunsaturated 1.253 gFatty acids, total saturated 2.297 gFiber, total dietary 0.0 gFolate, DFE 35 mcg_DFEFolate, food 35 mcgFolate, total 35 mcgFolic acid 0 mcgGlutamic acid 12.029 gGlycine 3.877 gHistidine 2.699 gHydroxyproline 0.808 gIron, Fe 17.97 mgIsoleucine 4.003 gLeucine 6.800 gLutein + zeaxanthin 0 mcgLycopene 0 mcgLysine 7.250 gMagnesium, Mg 118 mgManganese, Mn 0.102 mgMethionine 2.336 gNiacin 38.667 mgPantothenic acid 13.345 mgPhenylalanine 3.514 gPhosphorus, P 1072 mgPotassium, K 1564 mgProline 4.992 gProtein 123.20 gRetinol 0 mcgRiboflavin 2.360 mgSelenium, Se 181.6 mcgSerine 2.931 gSodium, Na 209 mgSugars, total 0.00 gTheobromine 0 mgThiamin 1.379 mgThreonine 3.530 gTotal lipid (fat) 9.06 gTryptophan 0.816 gTyrosine 2.628 gValine 4.102 gVitamin A, IU 0 IUVitamin A, RAE 0 mcg_RAEVitamin B-12 36.92 mcgVitamin B-6 3.609 mgVitamin C, total ascorbic acid 0.0 mgVitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) 0.91 mgWater 261.73 gZinc, Zn 12.57 mg10:0 0.000 g12:0 0.000 g14:0 0.028 g14:1 0.000 g15:0 0.000 g15:1 0.000 g16:0 1.474 g16:1 undifferentiated 0.292 g17:0 0.012 g17:1 0.000 g18:0 0.780 g18:1 undifferentiated 3.290 g18:2 undifferentiated 0.938 g18:3 n-6 c,c,c 0.000 g18:3 undifferentiated 0.047 g20:0 0.004 g20:1 0.028 g20:2 n-6 c,c 0.016 g20:3 undifferentiated 0.000 g20:4 undifferentiated 0.252 g22:0 0.004 g8:0 0.000 g

Nutrition information for Emu, fan fillet, cooked, broiled

The nutrition information on this tab is specific to a portion size. This tab shows nutrition for 1 serving ( 3 oz ) (85g).

The Nutrition Facts box is a quick and familiar way to get information for common nutrition values. Below is a chart with a more complete listing of nutrients and the daily value percentage for each. Complete nutrition information is listed at the bottom of the page. All information is sourced from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 serving ( 3 oz ) (85g)

Amount Per Serving


Calories  131

Calories from Fat  18
% Daily Value*

Total Fat  1.96 g

Saturated Fat  0.496 g
Trans Fat

Cholesterol   70 mg


Sodium   45 mg


Potassium   337 mg


Total Carbohydrate   0.00 g

Dietary Fiber   0.0 g
Sugars   0.00 g

Protein   26.58 g


Vitamin A   0 IU


Vitamin C   0.0 mg


Calcium   5 mg


Iron   3.88 mg

* Based on a 2000 calorie diet
% Daily Value for Emu, fan fillet, cooked, broiled 1 serving ( 3 oz ) (85g)

Complete Nutrition for 1 serving ( 3 oz ) (85g)

Alanine 1.034 gAlcohol, ethyl 0.0 gArginine 1.196 gAsh 1.10 gAspartic acid 2.312 gCaffeine 0 mgCalcium, Ca 5 mgCarbohydrate, by difference 0.00 gCarotene, alpha 0 mcgCarotene, beta 0 mcgCholesterol 70 mgCopper, Cu 0.197 mgCryptoxanthin, beta 0 mcgCystine 0.192 gEnergy 548 kjEnergy 131 kcalFatty acids, total monounsaturated 0.779 gFatty acids, total polyunsaturated 0.270 gFatty acids, total saturated 0.496 gFiber, total dietary 0.0 gFolate, DFE 8 mcg_DFEFolate, food 8 mcgFolate, total 8 mcgFolic acid 0 mcgGlutamic acid 2.595 gGlycine 0.836 gHistidine 0.582 gHydroxyproline 0.174 gIron, Fe 3.88 mgIsoleucine 0.864 gLeucine 1.467 gLutein + zeaxanthin 0 mcgLycopene 0 mcgLysine 1.564 gMagnesium, Mg 26 mgManganese, Mn 0.022 mgMethionine 0.504 gNiacin 8.342 mgPantothenic acid 2.879 mgPhenylalanine 0.758 gPhosphorus, P 231 mgPotassium, K 337 mgProline 1.077 gProtein 26.58 gRetinol 0 mcgRiboflavin 0.509 mgSelenium, Se 39.2 mcgSerine 0.632 gSodium, Na 45 mgSugars, total 0.00 gTheobromine 0 mgThiamin 0.298 mgThreonine 0.762 gTotal lipid (fat) 1.96 gTryptophan 0.176 gTyrosine 0.567 gValine 0.885 gVitamin A, IU 0 IUVitamin A, RAE 0 mcg_RAEVitamin B-12 7.96 mcgVitamin B-6 0.779 mgVitamin C, total ascorbic acid 0.0 mgVitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) 0.20 mgWater 56.47 gZinc, Zn 2.71 mg10:0 0.000 g12:0 0.000 g14:0 0.006 g14:1 0.000 g15:0 0.000 g15:1 0.000 g16:0 0.318 g16:1 undifferentiated 0.063 g17:0 0.003 g17:1 0.000 g18:0 0.168 g18:1 undifferentiated 0.710 g18:2 undifferentiated 0.202 g18:3 n-6 c,c,c 0.000 g18:3 undifferentiated 0.010 g20:0 0.001 g20:1 0.006 g20:2 n-6 c,c 0.003 g20:3 undifferentiated 0.000 g20:4 undifferentiated 0.054 g22:0 0.001 g8:0 0.000 g

Nutrition information for Emu, fan fillet, cooked, broiled

The nutrition information on this tab is specific to a portion size. This tab shows nutrition for 100 grams .

The Nutrition Facts box is a quick and familiar way to get information for common nutrition values. Below is a chart with a more complete listing of nutrients and the daily value percentage for each. Complete nutrition information is listed at the bottom of the page. All information is sourced from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 100 grams

Amount Per Serving


Calories  154

Calories from Fat  21
% Daily Value*

Total Fat  2.30 g

Saturated Fat  0.583 g
Trans Fat

Cholesterol   82 mg


Sodium   53 mg


Potassium   397 mg


Total Carbohydrate   0.00 g

Dietary Fiber   0.0 g
Sugars   0.00 g

Protein   31.27 g


Vitamin A   0 IU


Vitamin C   0.0 mg


Calcium   6 mg


Iron   4.56 mg

* Based on a 2000 calorie diet
% Daily Value for Emu, fan fillet, cooked, broiled 100 grams

Complete Nutrition for 100 grams

Alanine 1.216 gAlcohol, ethyl 0.0 gArginine 1.407 gAsh 1.30 gAspartic acid 2.720 gCaffeine 0 mgCalcium, Ca 6 mgCarbohydrate, by difference 0.00 gCarotene, alpha 0 mcgCarotene, beta 0 mcgCholesterol 82 mgCopper, Cu 0.232 mgCryptoxanthin, beta 0 mcgCystine 0.226 gEnergy 645 kjEnergy 154 kcalFatty acids, total monounsaturated 0.917 gFatty acids, total polyunsaturated 0.318 gFatty acids, total saturated 0.583 gFiber, total dietary 0.0 gFolate, DFE 9 mcg_DFEFolate, food 9 mcgFolate, total 9 mcgFolic acid 0 mcgGlutamic acid 3.053 gGlycine 0.984 gHistidine 0.685 gHydroxyproline 0.205 gIron, Fe 4.56 mgIsoleucine 1.016 gLeucine 1.726 gLutein + zeaxanthin 0 mcgLycopene 0 mcgLysine 1.840 gMagnesium, Mg 30 mgManganese, Mn 0.026 mgMethionine 0.593 gNiacin 9.814 mgPantothenic acid 3.387 mgPhenylalanine 0.892 gPhosphorus, P 272 mgPotassium, K 397 mgProline 1.267 gProtein 31.27 gRetinol 0 mcgRiboflavin 0.599 mgSelenium, Se 46.1 mcgSerine 0.744 gSodium, Na 53 mgSugars, total 0.00 gTheobromine 0 mgThiamin 0.350 mgThreonine 0.896 gTotal lipid (fat) 2.30 gTryptophan 0.207 gTyrosine 0.667 gValine 1.041 gVitamin A, IU 0 IUVitamin A, RAE 0 mcg_RAEVitamin B-12 9.37 mcgVitamin B-6 0.916 mgVitamin C, total ascorbic acid 0.0 mgVitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) 0.23 mgWater 66.43 gZinc, Zn 3.19 mg10:0 0.000 g12:0 0.000 g14:0 0.007 g14:1 0.000 g15:0 0.000 g15:1 0.000 g16:0 0.374 g16:1 undifferentiated 0.074 g17:0 0.003 g17:1 0.000 g18:0 0.198 g18:1 undifferentiated 0.835 g18:2 undifferentiated 0.238 g18:3 n-6 c,c,c 0.000 g18:3 undifferentiated 0.012 g20:0 0.001 g20:1 0.007 g20:2 n-6 c,c 0.004 g20:3 undifferentiated 0.000 g20:4 undifferentiated 0.064 g22:0 0.001 g8:0 0.000 g
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