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Pizza, meat and vegetable topping, regular crust, frozen, cooked

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Nutrition information for Pizza, meat and vegetable topping, regular crust, frozen, cooked

The nutrition information on this tab is specific to a portion size. This tab shows nutrition for 1 package 24.2 oz pizza (713g).

The Nutrition Facts box is a quick and familiar way to get information for common nutrition values. Below is a chart with a more complete listing of nutrients and the daily value percentage for each. Complete nutrition information is listed at the bottom of the page. All information is sourced from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 package 24.2 oz pizza (713g)

Amount Per Serving


Calories  1968

Calories from Fat  926
% Daily Value*

Total Fat  102.89 g

Saturated Fat  34.224 g
Trans Fat

Cholesterol   114 mg


Sodium   3957 mg


Potassium   1490 mg


Total Carbohydrate   179.25 g

Dietary Fiber   15.7 g

Protein   80.43 g


Vitamin A

Vitamin C   24.2 mg


Calcium   1084 mg


Iron   9.70 mg

* Based on a 2000 calorie diet
% Daily Value for Pizza, meat and vegetable topping, regular crust, frozen, cooked 1 package 24.2 oz pizza (713g)

Complete Nutrition for 1 package 24.2 oz pizza (713g)

Ash 17.40 gBetaine 179.7 mgCalcium, Ca 1084 mgCarbohydrate, by difference 179.25 gCholesterol 114 mgCholine, total 174.7 mgCopper, Cu 1.212 mgEnergy 1968 kcalEnergy 8221 kjFatty acids, total monounsaturated 41.582 gFatty acids, total polyunsaturated 17.903 gFatty acids, total saturated 34.224 gFiber, total dietary 15.7 gFolate, food 242 mcgFolate, total 242 mcgFructose 9.41 gGalactose 1.00 gGlucose (dextrose) 17.90 gIron, Fe 9.70 mgMagnesium, Mg 178 mgMaltose 6.20 gManganese, Mn 2.303 mgNiacin 16.962 mgPantothenic acid 2.367 mgPhosphorus, P 1291 mgPotassium, K 1490 mgProtein 80.43 gRiboflavin 1.661 mgSelenium, Se 64.2 mcgSodium, Na 3957 mgStarch 140.89 gThiamin 1.540 mgTotal lipid (fat) 102.89 gVitamin B-12 4.42 mcgVitamin B-6 1.062 mgVitamin C, total ascorbic acid 24.2 mgWater 333.04 gZinc, Zn 12.19 mg10:0 0.799 g12:0 0.863 g14:0 3.151 g16:0 18.987 g16:1 undifferentiated 1.946 g18:0 10.424 g18:1 undifferentiated 39.636 g18:2 undifferentiated 16.335 g18:3 undifferentiated 1.569 g

Nutrition information for Pizza, meat and vegetable topping, regular crust, frozen, cooked

The nutrition information on this tab is specific to a portion size. This tab shows nutrition for 1 package 22.85 oz pizza (644g).

The Nutrition Facts box is a quick and familiar way to get information for common nutrition values. Below is a chart with a more complete listing of nutrients and the daily value percentage for each. Complete nutrition information is listed at the bottom of the page. All information is sourced from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 package 22.85 oz pizza (644g)

Amount Per Serving


Calories  1777

Calories from Fat  836
% Daily Value*

Total Fat  92.93 g

Saturated Fat  30.912 g
Trans Fat

Cholesterol   103 mg


Sodium   3574 mg


Potassium   1346 mg


Total Carbohydrate   161.90 g

Dietary Fiber   14.2 g

Protein   72.64 g


Vitamin A

Vitamin C   21.9 mg


Calcium   979 mg


Iron   8.76 mg

* Based on a 2000 calorie diet
% Daily Value for Pizza, meat and vegetable topping, regular crust, frozen, cooked 1 package 22.85 oz pizza (644g)

Complete Nutrition for 1 package 22.85 oz pizza (644g)

Ash 15.71 gBetaine 162.3 mgCalcium, Ca 979 mgCarbohydrate, by difference 161.90 gCholesterol 103 mgCholine, total 157.8 mgCopper, Cu 1.095 mgEnergy 1777 kcalEnergy 7425 kjFatty acids, total monounsaturated 37.558 gFatty acids, total polyunsaturated 16.171 gFatty acids, total saturated 30.912 gFiber, total dietary 14.2 gFolate, food 219 mcgFolate, total 219 mcgFructose 8.50 gGalactose 0.90 gGlucose (dextrose) 16.16 gIron, Fe 8.76 mgMagnesium, Mg 161 mgMaltose 5.60 gManganese, Mn 2.080 mgNiacin 15.321 mgPantothenic acid 2.138 mgPhosphorus, P 1166 mgPotassium, K 1346 mgProtein 72.64 gRiboflavin 1.501 mgSelenium, Se 58.0 mcgSodium, Na 3574 mgStarch 127.25 gThiamin 1.391 mgTotal lipid (fat) 92.93 gVitamin B-12 3.99 mcgVitamin B-6 0.960 mgVitamin C, total ascorbic acid 21.9 mgWater 300.81 gZinc, Zn 11.01 mg10:0 0.721 g12:0 0.779 g14:0 2.846 g16:0 17.150 g16:1 undifferentiated 1.758 g18:0 9.415 g18:1 undifferentiated 35.800 g18:2 undifferentiated 14.754 g18:3 undifferentiated 1.417 g

Nutrition information for Pizza, meat and vegetable topping, regular crust, frozen, cooked

The nutrition information on this tab is specific to a portion size. This tab shows nutrition for 1 package 10.9 oz pizza (354g).

The Nutrition Facts box is a quick and familiar way to get information for common nutrition values. Below is a chart with a more complete listing of nutrients and the daily value percentage for each. Complete nutrition information is listed at the bottom of the page. All information is sourced from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 package 10.9 oz pizza (354g)

Amount Per Serving


Calories  977

Calories from Fat  460
% Daily Value*

Total Fat  51.08 g

Saturated Fat  16.992 g
Trans Fat

Cholesterol   57 mg


Sodium   1965 mg


Potassium   740 mg


Total Carbohydrate   89.00 g

Dietary Fiber   7.8 g

Protein   39.93 g


Vitamin A

Vitamin C   12.0 mg


Calcium   538 mg


Iron   4.81 mg

* Based on a 2000 calorie diet
% Daily Value for Pizza, meat and vegetable topping, regular crust, frozen, cooked 1 package 10.9 oz pizza (354g)

Complete Nutrition for 1 package 10.9 oz pizza (354g)

Ash 8.64 gBetaine 89.2 mgCalcium, Ca 538 mgCarbohydrate, by difference 89.00 gCholesterol 57 mgCholine, total 86.7 mgCopper, Cu 0.602 mgEnergy 977 kcalEnergy 4082 kjFatty acids, total monounsaturated 20.645 gFatty acids, total polyunsaturated 8.889 gFatty acids, total saturated 16.992 gFiber, total dietary 7.8 gFolate, food 120 mcgFolate, total 120 mcgFructose 4.67 gGalactose 0.50 gGlucose (dextrose) 8.89 gIron, Fe 4.81 mgMagnesium, Mg 88 mgMaltose 3.08 gManganese, Mn 1.143 mgNiacin 8.422 mgPantothenic acid 1.175 mgPhosphorus, P 641 mgPotassium, K 740 mgProtein 39.93 gRiboflavin 0.825 mgSelenium, Se 31.9 mcgSodium, Na 1965 mgStarch 69.95 gThiamin 0.765 mgTotal lipid (fat) 51.08 gVitamin B-12 2.19 mcgVitamin B-6 0.527 mgVitamin C, total ascorbic acid 12.0 mgWater 165.35 gZinc, Zn 6.05 mg10:0 0.396 g12:0 0.428 g14:0 1.565 g16:0 9.427 g16:1 undifferentiated 0.966 g18:0 5.175 g18:1 undifferentiated 19.679 g18:2 undifferentiated 8.110 g18:3 undifferentiated 0.779 g

Nutrition information for Pizza, meat and vegetable topping, regular crust, frozen, cooked

The nutrition information on this tab is specific to a portion size. This tab shows nutrition for 1 serving 5 servings per 24.2 oz package (143g).

The Nutrition Facts box is a quick and familiar way to get information for common nutrition values. Below is a chart with a more complete listing of nutrients and the daily value percentage for each. Complete nutrition information is listed at the bottom of the page. All information is sourced from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 serving 5 servings per 24.2 oz package (143g)

Amount Per Serving


Calories  395

Calories from Fat  186
% Daily Value*

Total Fat  20.63 g

Saturated Fat  6.864 g
Trans Fat

Cholesterol   23 mg


Sodium   794 mg


Potassium   299 mg


Total Carbohydrate   35.95 g

Dietary Fiber   3.1 g

Protein   16.13 g


Vitamin A

Vitamin C   4.9 mg


Calcium   217 mg


Iron   1.94 mg

* Based on a 2000 calorie diet
% Daily Value for Pizza, meat and vegetable topping, regular crust, frozen, cooked 1 serving 5 servings per 24.2 oz package (143g)

Complete Nutrition for 1 serving 5 servings per 24.2 oz package (143g)

Ash 3.49 gBetaine 36.0 mgCalcium, Ca 217 mgCarbohydrate, by difference 35.95 gCholesterol 23 mgCholine, total 35.0 mgCopper, Cu 0.243 mgEnergy 395 kcalEnergy 1649 kjFatty acids, total monounsaturated 8.340 gFatty acids, total polyunsaturated 3.591 gFatty acids, total saturated 6.864 gFiber, total dietary 3.1 gFolate, food 49 mcgFolate, total 49 mcgFructose 1.89 gGalactose 0.20 gGlucose (dextrose) 3.59 gIron, Fe 1.94 mgMagnesium, Mg 36 mgMaltose 1.24 gManganese, Mn 0.462 mgNiacin 3.402 mgPantothenic acid 0.475 mgPhosphorus, P 259 mgPotassium, K 299 mgProtein 16.13 gRiboflavin 0.333 mgSelenium, Se 12.9 mcgSodium, Na 794 mgStarch 28.26 gThiamin 0.309 mgTotal lipid (fat) 20.63 gVitamin B-12 0.89 mcgVitamin B-6 0.213 mgVitamin C, total ascorbic acid 4.9 mgWater 66.80 gZinc, Zn 2.45 mg10:0 0.160 g12:0 0.173 g14:0 0.632 g16:0 3.808 g16:1 undifferentiated 0.390 g18:0 2.091 g18:1 undifferentiated 7.949 g18:2 undifferentiated 3.276 g18:3 undifferentiated 0.315 g

Nutrition information for Pizza, meat and vegetable topping, regular crust, frozen, cooked

The nutrition information on this tab is specific to a portion size. This tab shows nutrition for 1 serving 5 servings per 22.85 oz package (129g).

The Nutrition Facts box is a quick and familiar way to get information for common nutrition values. Below is a chart with a more complete listing of nutrients and the daily value percentage for each. Complete nutrition information is listed at the bottom of the page. All information is sourced from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 serving 5 servings per 22.85 oz package (129g)

Amount Per Serving


Calories  356

Calories from Fat  167
% Daily Value*

Total Fat  18.61 g

Saturated Fat  6.192 g
Trans Fat

Cholesterol   21 mg


Sodium   716 mg


Potassium   270 mg


Total Carbohydrate   32.43 g

Dietary Fiber   2.8 g

Protein   14.55 g


Vitamin A

Vitamin C   4.4 mg


Calcium   196 mg


Iron   1.75 mg

* Based on a 2000 calorie diet
% Daily Value for Pizza, meat and vegetable topping, regular crust, frozen, cooked 1 serving 5 servings per 22.85 oz package (129g)

Complete Nutrition for 1 serving 5 servings per 22.85 oz package (129g)

Ash 3.15 gBetaine 32.5 mgCalcium, Ca 196 mgCarbohydrate, by difference 32.43 gCholesterol 21 mgCholine, total 31.6 mgCopper, Cu 0.219 mgEnergy 356 kcalEnergy 1487 kjFatty acids, total monounsaturated 7.523 gFatty acids, total polyunsaturated 3.239 gFatty acids, total saturated 6.192 gFiber, total dietary 2.8 gFolate, food 44 mcgFolate, total 44 mcgFructose 1.70 gGalactose 0.18 gGlucose (dextrose) 3.24 gIron, Fe 1.75 mgMagnesium, Mg 32 mgMaltose 1.12 gManganese, Mn 0.417 mgNiacin 3.069 mgPantothenic acid 0.428 mgPhosphorus, P 233 mgPotassium, K 270 mgProtein 14.55 gRiboflavin 0.301 mgSelenium, Se 11.6 mcgSodium, Na 716 mgStarch 25.49 gThiamin 0.279 mgTotal lipid (fat) 18.61 gVitamin B-12 0.80 mcgVitamin B-6 0.192 mgVitamin C, total ascorbic acid 4.4 mgWater 60.26 gZinc, Zn 2.21 mg10:0 0.144 g12:0 0.156 g14:0 0.570 g16:0 3.435 g16:1 undifferentiated 0.352 g18:0 1.886 g18:1 undifferentiated 7.171 g18:2 undifferentiated 2.955 g18:3 undifferentiated 0.284 g

Nutrition information for Pizza, meat and vegetable topping, regular crust, frozen, cooked

The nutrition information on this tab is specific to a portion size. This tab shows nutrition for 1 serving 2 servings per 10.9 oz package (177g).

The Nutrition Facts box is a quick and familiar way to get information for common nutrition values. Below is a chart with a more complete listing of nutrients and the daily value percentage for each. Complete nutrition information is listed at the bottom of the page. All information is sourced from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 1 serving 2 servings per 10.9 oz package (177g)

Amount Per Serving


Calories  489

Calories from Fat  230
% Daily Value*

Total Fat  25.54 g

Saturated Fat  8.496 g
Trans Fat

Cholesterol   28 mg


Sodium   982 mg


Potassium   370 mg


Total Carbohydrate   44.50 g

Dietary Fiber   3.9 g

Protein   19.97 g


Vitamin A

Vitamin C   6.0 mg


Calcium   269 mg


Iron   2.41 mg

* Based on a 2000 calorie diet
% Daily Value for Pizza, meat and vegetable topping, regular crust, frozen, cooked 1 serving 2 servings per 10.9 oz package (177g)

Complete Nutrition for 1 serving 2 servings per 10.9 oz package (177g)

Ash 4.32 gBetaine 44.6 mgCalcium, Ca 269 mgCarbohydrate, by difference 44.50 gCholesterol 28 mgCholine, total 43.4 mgCopper, Cu 0.301 mgEnergy 489 kcalEnergy 2041 kjFatty acids, total monounsaturated 10.323 gFatty acids, total polyunsaturated 4.444 gFatty acids, total saturated 8.496 gFiber, total dietary 3.9 gFolate, food 60 mcgFolate, total 60 mcgFructose 2.34 gGalactose 0.25 gGlucose (dextrose) 4.44 gIron, Fe 2.41 mgMagnesium, Mg 44 mgMaltose 1.54 gManganese, Mn 0.572 mgNiacin 4.211 mgPantothenic acid 0.588 mgPhosphorus, P 320 mgPotassium, K 370 mgProtein 19.97 gRiboflavin 0.412 mgSelenium, Se 15.9 mcgSodium, Na 982 mgStarch 34.98 gThiamin 0.382 mgTotal lipid (fat) 25.54 gVitamin B-12 1.10 mcgVitamin B-6 0.264 mgVitamin C, total ascorbic acid 6.0 mgWater 82.68 gZinc, Zn 3.03 mg10:0 0.198 g12:0 0.214 g14:0 0.782 g16:0 4.714 g16:1 undifferentiated 0.483 g18:0 2.588 g18:1 undifferentiated 9.839 g18:2 undifferentiated 4.055 g18:3 undifferentiated 0.389 g

Nutrition information for Pizza, meat and vegetable topping, regular crust, frozen, cooked

The nutrition information on this tab is specific to a portion size. This tab shows nutrition for 100 grams .

The Nutrition Facts box is a quick and familiar way to get information for common nutrition values. Below is a chart with a more complete listing of nutrients and the daily value percentage for each. Complete nutrition information is listed at the bottom of the page. All information is sourced from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 100 grams

Amount Per Serving


Calories  276

Calories from Fat  130
% Daily Value*

Total Fat  14.43 g

Saturated Fat  4.800 g
Trans Fat

Cholesterol   16 mg


Sodium   555 mg


Potassium   209 mg


Total Carbohydrate   25.14 g

Dietary Fiber   2.2 g

Protein   11.28 g


Vitamin A

Vitamin C   3.4 mg


Calcium   152 mg


Iron   1.36 mg

* Based on a 2000 calorie diet
% Daily Value for Pizza, meat and vegetable topping, regular crust, frozen, cooked 100 grams

Complete Nutrition for 100 grams

Ash 2.44 gBetaine 25.2 mgCalcium, Ca 152 mgCarbohydrate, by difference 25.14 gCholesterol 16 mgCholine, total 24.5 mgCopper, Cu 0.170 mgEnergy 276 kcalEnergy 1153 kjFatty acids, total monounsaturated 5.832 gFatty acids, total polyunsaturated 2.511 gFatty acids, total saturated 4.800 gFiber, total dietary 2.2 gFolate, food 34 mcgFolate, total 34 mcgFructose 1.32 gGalactose 0.14 gGlucose (dextrose) 2.51 gIron, Fe 1.36 mgMagnesium, Mg 25 mgMaltose 0.87 gManganese, Mn 0.323 mgNiacin 2.379 mgPantothenic acid 0.332 mgPhosphorus, P 181 mgPotassium, K 209 mgProtein 11.28 gRiboflavin 0.233 mgSelenium, Se 9.0 mcgSodium, Na 555 mgStarch 19.76 gThiamin 0.216 mgTotal lipid (fat) 14.43 gVitamin B-12 0.62 mcgVitamin B-6 0.149 mgVitamin C, total ascorbic acid 3.4 mgWater 46.71 gZinc, Zn 1.71 mg10:0 0.112 g12:0 0.121 g14:0 0.442 g16:0 2.663 g16:1 undifferentiated 0.273 g18:0 1.462 g18:1 undifferentiated 5.559 g18:2 undifferentiated 2.291 g18:3 undifferentiated 0.220 g
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