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Top 100 Foods lowest in Sodium, Na

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Values shown for 100 gram serving size

Shortening, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated ) and corn for frying0mg
Oil, vegetable, walnut0mg
Oil, vegetable, babassu0mg
Fish oil, menhaden, fully hydrogenated0mg
Oil, vegetable, industrial, mid-oleic, sunflower, principal uses frying and salad dressings0mg
Oil, vegetable, cupu assu0mg
Alcoholic beverage, distilled, whiskey, 86 proof0mg
Oil, vegetable, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated ), palm, principal uses icings and fillings0mg
Cocktail mix, non-alcoholic, concentrated, frozen0mg
Oil, vegetable, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated), multiuse for non-dairy butter flavor0mg
Shortening frying (regular), soybean (hydrogenated) and cottonseed (hydrogenated)0mg
Margarine, vegetable oil spread, 20% fat, without salt0mg
Vegetable oil, mustard0mg
Fish oil, herring0mg
Pears, asian, raw0mg
Nuts, acorns, dried0mg
Oil, vegetable, cocoa butter0mg
Oil, soybean, salad or cooking0mg
Shortening frying (heavy duty), beef tallow and cottonseed0mg
Nuts, hazelnuts or filberts, blanched0mg
Nuts, hazelnuts or filberts0mg
Oil, vegetable, sunflower, linoleic (less than 60%)0mg
Oil, vegetable safflower, salad or cooking, linoleic, (over 70%)0mg
Oil, vegetable, sunflower, high oleic (70% and over)0mg
Vegetable oil, soybean lecithin0mg
Water, bottled, non-carbonated, CALISTOGA0mg
Shortening, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated ) for baking and confections0mg
Oil, vegetable, rice bran0mg
Fiddlehead ferns, frozen, unprepared0mg
Sweeteners, tabletop, aspartame, EQUAL, packets0mg
Shortening, confectionery, fractionated palm0mg
Oil, vegetable, sheanut0mg
Shortening frying (heavy duty), soybean (hydrogenated), linoleic (less than 1%)0mg
Shortening, industrial, soy (partially hydrogenated), pourable liquid fry shortening0mg
Shortening cake mix, soybean (hydrogenated) and cottonseed (hydrogenated)0mg
Shortening, special purpose for baking, soybean (hydrogenated) palm and cottonseed0mg
Tea, brewed, prepared with distilled water0mg
Grapefruit, raw, white, Florida0mg
Oranges, raw, Florida0mg
Oil, wheat germ0mg
Oil, vegetable, sunflower, linoleic, (approx. 65%)0mg
Fat, turkey0mg
Oil, vegetable, nutmeg butter0mg
Shortening household soybean (hydrogenated) and palm0mg
Plums, raw0mg
Water, bottled, non-carbonated, DANNON0mg
Oranges, raw, California, valencias0mg
Nuts, acorn flour, full fat0mg
USDA Commodity Food, shortening, type III, creamy liquid, soybean and soybean (partially hydrogenated)0mg
Rose-apples, raw0mg
Jams and preserves, dietetic (with sodium saccharin), any flavor0mg
Cherries, sweet, raw0mg
Oil, vegetable, industrial, soy, refined, for woks and light frying0mg
McDONALD'S, Apple Dippers0mg
McDONALD'S, Peanuts (for Sundaes)0mg
Oil, vegetable, industrial, soy ( partially hydrogenated), all purpose0mg
Corn, sweet, yellow, cooked, boiled, drained, without salt0mg
Grapefruit, raw, white, all areas0mg
Cereals, whole wheat hot natural cereal, cooked with water, without salt0mg
Oil, sesame, salad or cooking0mg
Oil, spotted seal (Alaska Native)0mg
Shortening confectionery, coconut (hydrogenated) and or palm kernel (hydrogenated)0mg
Shortening, multipurpose, soybean (hydrogenated) and palm (hydrogenated)0mg
USDA Commodity Food, oil, vegetable, soybean, refined0mg
Vegetable oil, oat0mg
Flaxseed oil0mg
Peaches, raw0mg
Shortening, special purpose for cakes and frostings, soybean (hydrogenated)0mg
Grapefruit, raw, pink and red, all areas0mg
Oil, soybean, salad or cooking, (hydrogenated) and cottonseed0mg
Nuts, hazelnuts or filberts, dry roasted, without salt added0mg
Oil, vegetable, sunflower, linoleic, (hydrogenated)0mg
Oil, bearded seal (Oogruk) (Alaska Native)0mg
Cereals ready-to-eat, KELLOGG, Frosted MINI-WHEATS bite size STRAWBERRY DELIGHT0mg
Oil, vegetable, almond0mg
Candies, hard, dietetic or low calorie (sorbitol)0mg
Beans, navy, mature seeds, cooked, boiled, without salt0mg
Fat, chicken0mg
Sugars, granulated0mg
Grapefruit, raw, pink and red, Florida0mg
Oil, vegetable, apricot kernel0mg
Rice, white, short-grain, cooked0mg
Cocoa, dry powder, unsweetened, HERSHEY'S European Style Cocoa0mg
Shortening frying (heavy duty), soybean (hydrogenated), linoleic (30%) stabilizers with silicon0mg
Babyfood, juice, pear0mg
Oil, vegetable, Natreon canola, high stability, non trans, high oleic (70%)0mg
Water, bottled, non-carbonated, PEPSI, AQUAFINA0mg
Cereals ready-to-eat, KELLOGG, KELLOGG'S Shredded Wheat Miniatures0mg
Fish oil, cod liver0mg
Pasta, corn, cooked0mg
Oil, vegetable, teaseed0mg
Oil, industrial, canola with antifoaming agent, principal uses salads, woks and light frying0mg
Oil, beluga, whale (Alaska Native)0mg
Water with added vitamins and minerals, bottles, sweetened, assorted fruit flavors0mg
Rice, white, medium-grain, cooked0mg
Shortening, institutional, composite0mg
Oil, peanut, salad or cooking0mg
Pectin, liquid0mg
Limeade, frozen concentrate0mg
Oil, soybean, salad or cooking, (partially hydrogenated)0mg
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