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Top 100 Foods highest in Alanine

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Values shown for 100 gram serving size

Gelatins, dry powder, unsweetened8.009g
Snacks, pork skins, plain5.811g
Gelatin desserts, dry mix, reduced calorie, with aspartame, no added sodium5.790g
Gelatin desserts, dry mix, reduced calorie, with aspartame, added phosphorus, potassium, sodium, vitamin C5.790g
Snacks, pork skins, barbecue-flavor5.472g
Egg, white, dried, powder, glucose reduced5.313g
Egg, white, dried, flakes, glucose reduced4.960g
Seal, bearded (Oogruk), meat, dried (Alaska Native)4.725g
Egg, white, dried4.684g
Seaweed, spirulina, dried4.515g
Whale, beluga, meat, dried (Alaska Native)4.268g
Fish, cod, Atlantic, dried and salted3.799g
Fish, whitefish, dried (Alaska Native)3.780g
Soy protein isolate, PROTEIN TECHNOLOGIES INTERNATIONAL, ProPlus3.700g
Soy protein isolate3.589g
Soy protein isolate, potassium type, crude protein basis3.589g
Soy protein isolate, potassium type3.589g
Seal, bearded (Oogruk), meat, partially dried (Alaska Native)3.568g
Smelt, dried (Alaska Native)3.520g
Mollusks, whelk, unspecified, cooked, moist heat3.113g
Egg, whole, dried, stabilized, glucose reduced2.813g
Soy protein concentrate, produced by alcohol extraction2.677g
Soy protein concentrate, crude protein basis (N x 6.25), produced by acid wash2.677g
Soy protein concentrate, produced by acid wash2.677g
Egg, whole, dried2.636g
Seeds, sesame flour, low-fat2.620g
Leavening agents, yeast, baker's, active dry2.533g
Pork, cured, bacon, cooked, microwaved2.471g
Pork, cured, bacon, cooked, broiled, pan-fried or roasted2.453g
Pork, cured, bacon, cooked, pan-fried2.453g
Pork, cured, bacon, cooked, broiled, pan-fried or roasted, reduced sodium2.370g
Seeds, sunflower seed flour, partially defatted2.358g
Seeds, cottonseed flour, low fat (glandless)2.313g
Pork, cured, bacon, cooked, baked2.286g
Seeds, cottonseed meal, partially defatted (glandless)2.279g
Beef, cured, breakfast strips, cooked2.254g
Game meat, bison, chuck, shoulder clod, separable lean only, 3-5 lb roast, cooked, braised2.250g
Pork, fresh, variety meats and by-products, ears, frozen, raw2.220g
Soy flour, defatted, crude protein basis (N x 6.25)2.215g
Soy flour, defatted2.215g
Beef, round, top round, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, braised2.196g
Soy flour, low-fat, crude protein basis (N x 6.25)2.192g
Veal, leg (top round), separable lean only, cooked, braised2.183g
Beef, round, top round, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, braised2.179g
Beef, round, top round, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, braised2.179g
Beef, round, top round, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, braised2.166g
Veal, leg (top round), separable lean and fat, cooked, braised2.151g
Beef, round, top round, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, braised2.148g
Beef, round, top round, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, braised2.148g
Lamb, domestic, shoulder, arm, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/4" fat, choice, cooked, braised2.137g
Veal, shoulder, arm, separable lean only, cooked, braised2.125g
Beef, round, bottom round, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, braised2.124g
Soy meal, defatted, raw, crude protein basis (N x 6.25)2.117g
Soy meal, defatted, raw2.117g
Fish, salmon, red, (sockeye), canned, smoked (Alaska Native)2.110g
Beef, chuck, arm pot roast, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, choice, cooked, braised2.110g
Seeds, sesame flour, partially defatted2.107g
Beef, chuck, arm pot roast, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades, cooked, braised2.107g
Beef, chuck, arm pot roast, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, select, cooked, braised2.104g
Beef, round, bottom round, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, select, cooked, braised2.095g
Game meat, deer, shoulder clod, separable lean only, 3-5 lb roast, cooked, braised2.093g
Beef, round, bottom round, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, braised2.091g
Beef, round, bottom round, separable lean only,trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades, cooked, braised2.088g
Beef, round, top round, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 1/8" fat, select, cooked, braised2.087g
Beef, round, bottom round, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, choice, cooked, braised2.081g
Veal, cubed for stew (leg and shoulder), separable lean only, cooked, braised2.078g
Peanut flour, defatted2.075g
Beef, round, top round, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades, cooked, braised2.071g
Beef, round, bottom round, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, braised2.067g
Beef, round, top round, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, choice, cooked, pan-fried2.063g
Beef, brisket, flat half, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, braised2.061g
Beef, round, top round, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 1/8" fat, choice, cooked, braised2.056g
Lamb, Australian, imported, fresh, shoulder, arm, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, cooked, braised2.055g
Lamb, New Zealand, imported, frozen, shoulder, whole (arm and blade), separable lean only, cooked, braised2.048g
Veal, rib, separable lean only, cooked, braised2.048g
Beef, brisket, flat half, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, braised2.042g
Beef, round, bottom round, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, braised2.040g
Beef, chuck, arm pot roast, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, select, cooked, braised2.029g
Beef, chuck, arm pot roast, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, braised2.028g
Lamb, domestic, cubed for stew or kabob (leg and shoulder), separable lean only, trimmed to 1/4" fat, cooked, braised2.026g
Beef, brisket, flat half, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, braised2.022g
Veal, sirloin, separable lean only, cooked, braised2.020g
Seal, bearded (Oogruk), meat, dried, in oil (Alaska Native)2.020g
Beef, brisket, flat half, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, select, cooked, braised2.017g
Beef, brisket, flat half, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades, cooked, braised2.016g
Beef, brisket, flat half, separable lean only, trimmed to 1/8" fat, choice, cooked, braised2.014g
Beef, round, bottom round, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, braised2.011g
Game meat, bison, top round, separable lean only, 1" steak, cooked, broiled2.010g
Veal, shoulder, whole (arm and blade), separable lean only, cooked, braised2.003g
Beef, brisket, flat half, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, all grades, cooked, braised2.000g
Veal, shoulder, arm, separable lean and fat, cooked, braised2.000g
Beef, round, bottom round, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 1/8" fat, choice, cooked, braised1.997g
Veal, loin, separable lean only, cooked, braised1.996g
Beef, round, bottom round, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 1/8" fat, all grades, cooked, braised1.992g
Game meat, rabbit, wild, cooked, stewed1.992g
Beef, round, top round, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 1/8" fat, choice, cooked, pan-fried1.990g
Beef, round, bottom round, separable lean and fat, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, braised1.990g
Beef, brisket, flat half, separable lean only, trimmed to 0" fat, choice, cooked, braised1.983g
Veal, leg (top round), separable lean only, cooked, pan-fried, not breaded1.973g
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